FYMSiC Teaching & Learning Resources

FYMSiC Past Shares …

Thanks to the wonderful and wise Barb Forrest (UW), great free first-year calculus course and lecture notes for anyone to use:

Calculus 1 course notes and lectures:


Calculus 2 course notes and lectures:


Be inspiring, FYMSiC! 🙂

A Volume On Authentic Applications

Link: Authentic Applications

Kseniya Garaschuk (Fraser Valley) and Anton Mosunov (Waterloo)

Mathematics instructors rarely have to be convinced that the subject they teach is important, but getting this point across to students is often a challenging task. In June we organized a session at the CMS Summer Meeting, bringing together first-year mathematics instructors to share authentic applications from their courses to enhance the curriculum in various service courses (life sciences, business, computer science, etc). Instructors who presented at this session, as well as those who responded to the consequent call for contributions, each authored a short article for the volume on Authentic Applications. The applications you find in this volume are authentic in the sense that they are based in the “real-world” first, with math derived out of the context, rather than the other way around. Among others, this collection includes articles on modelling the optimal length of pregnancy, using calculus to model UV index, and linear algebra of Google search. Notable exceptions include Section 10 that involves an imaginary but charming application for a math majors course and Section 11 that describes various open education technologies, such as CoCalc and PreTeXt, that can be used to teach applied content to students. We invite you to present these fascinating applications to students in your classes!

Supplementary Materials for Section 6, Emily Kozlowski, Introductory Statistics Authentic Final Project:

Final Project R Tutorial [TXT file]

Final Project Template [Word file]

real_estate2 [CSV file]

STAT 231 R Tutorial AS5 [TXT file]

STAT 231 S21 Final Project SOLNs [PDF file]

STAT 231 S21 Final Project [PDF file]


High School Math Curriculum in Canadian Provinces & Territories


Alberta: https://www.learnalberta.ca/content/mychildslearning/highschool_math.html

British Columbia: https://curriculum.gov.bc.ca/curriculum/mathematics

Manitoba: https://www.edu.gov.mb.ca/k12/cur/math/framework_9-12/index.html

New Brunswick: https://www2.gnb.ca/content/gnb/en/departments/education/k12/content/anglophone_sector/curriculum_anglophone.html

Newfoundland & Labrador: https://www.gov.nl.ca/education/k12/curriculum/guides/mathematics/

Nova Scotia: https://curriculum.novascotia.ca/english-programs/mathematics/high-school

Ontario: http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/curriculum/secondary/math.html

Prince Edward Island: https://www.princeedwardisland.ca/en/information/education-and-lifelong-learning/mathematics-curriculum

Quebec: http://www.education.gouv.qc.ca/en/teachers/quebec-education-program/secondary/

Saskatchewan: https://www.edonline.sk.ca/webapps/moe-curriculum-BB5f208b6da4613/


Northwest Territories: https://www.ece.gov.nt.ca/en/services/jk-12-school-curriculum/mathematics

Nunavut: https://www.gov.nu.ca/education/information/curriculum-learning-resources-0

Yukon: https://yukon.ca/en/school-curriculum


CEGEP: Collège d’enseignement général et professionnel

Les CEGEPs de Quebec:


Presenters at our Meet Up:

Julie Plante (Vanier College): CEGEP Presentation for Math Universities [Presentation Slides]

Jean-Philippe Villeneuve (Cegep de Rimouski): CEGEP – Between High School and University [Presentation Slides]

Andree-Ann Pugin (Cegep de l’Outaouais): Teaching Mathematics in CEGEP [Presentation Slides]


Teaching & Learning Resources


 Math Proofs:

  • Gila Hanna and Michael de Villiers: Proof and Proving in Mathematics Education: The 19th ICMI Study [Link; Downloadable PDF file available]
  • University of Calgary: The Proof Handbook [Website]

Writing Math:

Course Resources


Alternative Delivery:

Collaborative Learning:

Course Outline:

Course Planning:


Math Proofs:

Teaching & Learning Apps & Websites:

Student Engagement:

First-time Teaching Resources



Professional Development Programs:




Math Proofs:

Teaching Documents:


Math Proofs:

Professional Development Programs


Fun Videos:

Learning Apps & Websites:

Math Proofs:

Sample Teaching Videos:


Past Publications








  • CMS Notes Editor-in-Chief Robert Dawson (St. Mary’s) published a short opinion piece “Why Do We Teach What We Teach?” in the latest issue (51(3), June 2019) of CMS Notes. To access it, visit CMS Digital Archive https://cms.math.ca/notes/
  • CMESG Newsletter/Bulletin 35(2) May 2019 (pages 2-5) published the report “First Year Mathematics Repository Workshop BIRS, Banff, AB, February 8-10, 2019” by Andie Burazin, Veselin Jungic and Miroslav Lovric.